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How to Tell If Your Organization Has A Bad Background Check Provider

by Info One2verify - Published on 10/25/2021 3:59 AM

HR complaining to background verification provider

How to Identify if Your Company has a Poor History Take a look at the service provider

The search for the ideal applicant has never been an easy task. Companies have to go through from one applicant after another, and nobody seems quite to fit the bill till the right personality finally comes along. Even if their interview, resume, and overall demeanor might have impressed you, however, there is still one extra bridge to traverse through with employment screening services.

An ideal background check depreciates liabilities for your partnership by assuring that you do not hire an irresponsible, uncertain, or contrarily problematic person. Consequently, how can businesses spot a lousy background check service provider? What guidelines should a background screening vendor meet to be reliable? We have formulated a few pointers to ensure you know what pretentious employment screening services look like and save yourself the trouble of a bad hire and, worse, a lawsuit. 

1. Subcontracting Of Background Screening

Sometimes, background-checking subcontractors do subcontract their work. While it might sound unusual to some, this is not unheard of in the verification industry, but it can be uncertain for you as an employer. This application pushes you farther away from the entire process, which unfortunately implies less liability, visibility, accountability, and transparency.  

2. Your Only Interaction Is over the Internet

Similar to any employment screening provider, relationship and communication are crucial aspects of any business. Your background check provider must offer sufficient updates about new service capabilities, as well as information about best practices and laws that affect your screening program. If your background check provider offers: 

  • Negative dedicated assistance other than some FAQs on their homepage
  • Does not have a single point of contact to support your ongoing screening program needs, 
  • Do not check periodically for feedback, information, and other updates

In that case, you must have a higher level of communication and service, or your business will miss out on a genuine partnership.

3. Failure to Obtain Sufficient Applicant Information

Some employment screening services use only an applicant’s first and last name and birthday to conduct a screening. Whereas, in reality, there is not much one can achieve with such limited information. State criminal record databases customarily use biometric data such as fingerprints to match a person to its existing records, implying that a screening company cannot get criminal history by only a name and date of birth. Companies need to look for employment screening services that extract more applicant data to understand a person’s record better.

4. They Are Not Notifying You of Delays Caused by COVID-19

Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, most schools, courthouses, government agencies, and companies have closed and have encountered communication delays. In some instances, certain closures have pointed towards more extended turnaround times for 

  • Employment verification 
  • Education verifications, 
  • Court searches
  • Criminal history verification

Suppose your background check provider is not notifying you about any delays they are experiencing during the pandemic. In that case, they are either inadequately informed about the actualities affecting today’s background check industry. Oppositely, they might be deliberately trying to carry background checks with inadequate, unreliable, or misleading sources. Businesses can encounter longer than usual background checks with no explanation whatsoever or could be receiving incomplete background checks, both of which can endanger your business and cause impediments in your hiring process. 

5. Reliance on Comprehensive Background Checks

Companies must ensure that they conduct comprehensive background checks rather than relying on a single issue when choosing employment screening services. 

Hopefully, this blog has provided the information you require to identify a bad background check provider. Contact One2verify for quality employment screening services today.

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