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Hiring Remote Employees: how to run a background check in a WFH World

by Info One2verify - Published on 10/25/2021 1:50 AM

HR hiring employee for remote location

Performing a Background Check on a Remote Worker: 4 Proven Strategies

The pandemic continues to persist worldwide, and organizations choose to keep their offices closed while encouraging their staff to stay safe and work remotely. In recent months, employers have made telecommuting accommodations by implementing new technology, expanding their remote recruiting strategies, and facing new challenges head-on. One such challenge is the basic concept of hiring employees remotely and the necessary employment background checks for new remote candidates. 

When in-person work was the norm, background checks were the status quo, are they still as important? Yes, they are essential; let us find out how organizations can run background checks in a WFH environment: 

Offer a Seamless Candidate Experience with Remote Onboarding

It is reasonable to deliver a seamless experience for applicants who will be the employees working for you because the hiring and onboarding process go hand in hand. Creating a positive candidate experience benefits applicants and your company and is more likely to recommend the business to other individuals. You can improve the candidate experience by rationalizing the onboarding process. You can pull information from your employment background check system into your onboarding platform using available assimilations.

Companies Need To Comply With Applicable Laws

No matter where a new hire is located, all businesses must comply with applicable hiring processes laws. Your employee background check company can offer means and tools to help you stay up-to-date on recent trends and regulations affecting your hiring projects. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic through at least Nov 19, 2020, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security have suspended in-person requirements to evaluate new hire employment qualification documents.

Apply Multiple Techniques for Employee Verification

According to Employment Background Check companiesa phone is not the only way to achieve employment and education verifications because applicants and their previous employers can be based anywhere globally. It is essential to use a thorough verification process to consolidate multiple connection methods like: 

  • Email, 
  • Fax, 
  • Phone, and 
  • Integrations with third-party databases

Using multiple background verification methods gives employment and education verifiers more enhanced ways to respond to applications; this boosts the possibilities of getting a response and cuts back on ineffective phone tags. Therefore, employers can get a piece of out-and-out verification information for applicants located anywhere.

Regularly Review Your Program For Improvements

With new advancements in technology and changes in employment laws in the U.S., remote work will continue to develop globally. To keep your screening program in agreement and regulated with best practices for hiring remote employees, you'll need the supervision and assistance of a trusted employment background screening provider like One2verify. The right background screening associate will continue to offer value even after you have become a client. Through periodically business reviews, your chosen background screening company can help you do the following:

  • Execute best practices
  • Stay in compliance with new and current regulations
  • Leverage modern technology
  • Remain consistent with all background screening practices and internal policy
  • Distinguish between cost-saving employment background screening services and products

The pandemic continues, and so does working from home; it is a fact. As an HR manager or an employer, you will be considered responsible if a remote employer harms a stakeholder or a corporation's reputation. Therefore, it is highly advised to have a full-fledged employment background screening process to avoid such mishaps. Suppose you have limited resources to carry out the background checks —in that case, professional background verification companies play a significant role. They help leverage employee background checks to ensure the candidates working from home are trustworthy and coordinate well with your business's corporate culture.

Want a reliable Employment Background Check for your work-from-home employees? Get in touch with One2verify today!

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